Thursday, November 8, 2007

Superman that OHHH!!!

Lauren and I have gotten pretty wrapped up in high school life down here in Dallas, so it can be hard to gauge what's going on outside of homerooms and cafeterias, but I'm pretty sure, judging by every NFL TD celebration I've seen lately, that Soulja Boy is spreading beyond high school hallways and Finnie's to places where real people live and work.

Anyway, after learning Soulja Boy's moves during Bishop Dunne pep rallies and homecoming, Halloween brought a special treat as Dunder Mifflin learned to crank that (as George alluded to).

A revelation I had today. Teaching has made me super-conscious of words, gestures, actions and so today I wore the Kriss-Krossmas shirt to basketball practice. I paused and wondered, "Did Kris and Kross do anything during their tenure that makes this shirt taboo?" Then I realized that these little twerps probably don't even know about the backwards-pants wearing phenoms. My worries of the week instantly went from "How can I teach kids precalculus if they don't even know the quadratic function?" to "How can I communicate with kids who don't know 'Jump'?"

Any suggestions?

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